Not Sure Why You’re Receiving This Newsletter?
Written by Evan SchumanIf you’re seeing this note on your copy of the newsletter, it means you were suggested by David Taylor—former Gartner analyst, current president of the PCI Security Alliance—as someone who might be interested in the latest trends and news from the payment security arena, especially as it relates to retail and to the banking worlds.
This is a new newsletter from, which is a blog that covers retail technology and E-Commerce trends. I’m the editor of the newsletter and I also serve as the Retail Technology Editor for eWEEK and am also the former News Editor for InformationWeek and TechWeb. I’ve also covered retail and technology issues for RISNews, Consumer Goods Technology, the New York Times, BusinessWeek,, Reuters, National Public Radio and a host of other media.
When 60 Minutes did a segment on TJX’s security issues last month, the only media source it linked to for more information was StorefrontBacktalk. They’re hardly alone, insofar as has been repeatedly linked to from the Wall Street Journal, Yahoo News, ConsumerWorld, Fox News and PCMagazine plus BusinessWeek, The Washington Post, Wired Magazine, CNET, ComputerWeekly and TechTarget, plus quite a few links from the intranets at Procter & Gamble and Target. In the retail arena, we’re repeatedly linked to from NRF’s Smartbriefs, RetailWire, RetailForward and lots of other retail publications.
As a journalist, I can promise you an unbiased look at the various security trends. As a columnist, I can promise you a non-passive voice that will at least try and put these issues into broader context The newsletter is free and we will , with more than a dose of attitude. We’ll never sell your name, as that is, well, tacky. Dave Taylor will be writing a regular column for the newsletter, looking at a wide range of security issuies. Thanks! Hope you find it of value.