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MCX Embracing QR Codes, The Cloud And Unparalleled Vagueness

January 17th, 2013

Lowe’s Manna offered as an example a $3 purchase and a $300 purchase. “Why does the $300 purchase cost so much more?” he asked. When payment brands argue that it’s because the risk is so much higher, Manna says he responds, “then let’s reduce the risk” instead of overcharging everyone.

Some retailers have embraced various mobile trials and said they’ll accept them all, just as they accept checks, cash, a half-dozen payment cards, giftcards, gift certificates, Traveler’s Checks and various other forms of payment today.

Walmart’s Henry said that take-all-comers strategy is a bad one. He painted a picture of what Walmart stores on Black Friday would look like with such an approach. “One customer’s face pops up on the screen. The next one keys in their phone number. The next one tries to tap their phone,” he said, suggesting it would cause associate and customer confusion, on top of sharply slowing down checkouts.

The biggest point of the group from its inception has been an attempt to not only sharply lower interchange fees but have them be charged in a manner that is much more fair to retailers. But when an audience member asked the group if MCX was open to becoming a processor, Roberts said the group would not do that.

This raises a key question. If the idea of processing payments directly is being taken off the table, what true negotiating power does MCX have with Visa and the other card brands?

Clearly, the new group—if these major chains stick together—would have huge volume purchasing power. But Walmart today already has pretty massive volume clout and it hasn’t been able to extract the types of payment interchange concessions it wants.

As long as Visa knows these chains would never want to halt accepting Visa, MasterCard, American Express and other brands, they have to play by the brands’ rules. Only if the brands honestly believe the business—and, with it, the brands’ executives’ livelihoods—might go away will they negotiate in good faith. Why that option is being taken off the table so publicly and so early is baffling.


3 Comments | Read MCX Embracing QR Codes, The Cloud And Unparalleled Vagueness

  1. Patty Payment Says:

    In this story, Walmart’s person said that the take-all-comers strategy is a bad one. So why create yet another one that requires yet another payment option the consumer has to manage and also another piece of reader hardware at the POS? Faster lines – I think not. Can you imagine when a customer walks into Walmart with his Isis or Google wallet phone and wants to pay and the representative says, sorry – we only accept MCX mobile payments here. You have to go to this web site, download this application, register your credit card, then come back and we will accept your mobile payment – and by the way, it only works at these dozen merchants but thanks, because you saved Walmart money on our interchange rate. Also – sorry we can’t offer you a reward or redeem a coupon for your trouble because that MCX application only works one-way and can’t communicate to the phone, but if you wait a few seconds longer we can query your account in our big customer database in the cloud and try to find you something to give you for your trouble. Oh no!, that is not your QR code on your mobile screen – it belongs to someone else who had their phone hacked and the phone image of that QR code is being mass emailed to ring of thieves rushing to Walmarts around the country buying video games and televisions? Maybe they have this all figured out, but they are very short on details.

  2. Dave Birch Says:

    That’s not the likely mode. It will be more like I go shopping at Target – my Target app opens automatically when I walk in the store – when I get to the checkout my Target app shows a code (just like the Starbucks app) so the Target POS displays “That’s $20.45 thanks Dave” and I punch in my PIN and leave. Meanwhile the funds are pulled via ACH overnight.

  3. Paolo Guerrero Says:

    Or more likely, the myTarget app will say “That’s $20.45 thanks Paolo Guerrero!”


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