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Retail Data Breach Victim Rolls Back The Tech Clock

October 21st, 2009

Still, so much of IT these days reflexively responds to a problem by whipping out the purchase orders and trying to throw whatever technology—the more expensive, the more comforting—is available at the issue. Sometimes, it takes a smaller retailer to point out that that is not always the most cost-effective—or even the most “just plain effective”—route.

But let’s be clear. Going back to a non-integrated approach certainly means losing a lot. From a security standpoint, it almost certainly means giving up encryption, so all card data—if accessed—is easy for anyone to read.

Then again, most professional cyber thieves are focused on tapping into such targeted data via the Internet or via physical assault on the card swipe or the POS. So it’s unclear how likely it is that data would be accessed from an analog connection dialing into a card processor. A thief who wanted to access it most likely could, but it’s so much easier—read cost-effective—to stick with Internet access. To make any real money with card data theft, millions—and sometimes tens of millions—of cards need to be accessed. That plain old analog telephone line makes it hard to profitably grab a lot of cards.

Also, the comments about vendor recommendations isn’t intended to suggest that vendors are necessarily being deceitful or greedy. After decades of doing business this way, it’s simply ingrained—not unlike a surgeon who tends to see “cutting a patient open” as the best treatment for almost any malady. After all, it’s what they’re trained to do.

Rather, this cautionary tale suggests not taking the traditional approach if an easier, cheaper method might suffice. It also means thinking through the inherent (and sometimes subconscious) biases of the experts whose advice you seek.

That’s why it’s always made us nervous that PCI assessors can sell the products and services that make a chain PCI compliant. Even the most honest of assessors can’t help but be a little bit influenced by that the revenue from selling their own offerings, especially in a down economy when every dollar means a few more days of not being laid off. Given the latitude that assessors have, can they truly divorce their bonus from what the retailer truly needs to be PCI compliant?

One of the points Cyopsis’ Roberts made was that IT managers—after a breach—should trace everything back to find the root cause of the breach. “They need to train their people to code more securely,” he said.

Maybe IT directors should sit back and not only consider the source code, though. In light of the advice they’re getting and who they’re getting it from, maybe they should think beyond the source code and to also, if you will, consider the source.


4 Comments | Read Retail Data Breach Victim Rolls Back The Tech Clock

  1. Chris Says:

    I swear I’d do my best to initiate the comeback of the Carrier Pigeon if I knew it would do any better for network security :-)

  2. Steve Sommers Says:

    I question whether rolling back to dial up terminals is really more secure? Yes, it is a quick fix that will most likely close the current breach vector but it does bring back it own set of risks. I’m not aware of any dial up terminal that supports encrypting the data as it is sent to the modem. I’m also not aware of any processor “dial up” spec that supports encryption. While the card brands and PCI have added loopholes for unencrypted dial up traffic, there is a big grey area if the merchant uses a VoIP phone solution – in which case you might be introducing unencrypted traffic on a public network.

  3. Kiril Alexiev Says:

    Merchant payment technologies have become very sophisticated and allow various networks or products to link seamlessly so that users can benefit from straight-through processing. But integration of various products and networks poses a unique problem: are these linkages done right and are there vulnerable points that are outside the security mechanisms of each component. PCI represents one attempt to standardize security procedures for payments but standardization cannot catch all weak points. Thus somethings rolling back in time can help merchants avoid what Cheers Liquor Mart experienced. A better solution would be to have IT security technician on staff and mandate annual security audits to look for ways to troubleshoot or improve the end to end security of an integrated system. Or said in other words: using a typewriter to avoid computer viruses on your word processing equipment is not a long term solution in the century of automation …

  4. Michael Cherry Says:

    Excellent article. The Retail IT Community (my community) got ahead of itself and new safer solutions are needed. My community did a better job when we designed wholesale banking and brokerage electronic funds transfer systems (EFTS).

    Michael Cherry
    Cherry Biometrics Inc.


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