
StorefrontBacktalk Launches A Retail Tech Research Site: StorefrontBackground

Written by Evan Schuman
May 11th, 2009

Ever since StorefrontBacktalk has covered the news of retail technology, E-Commerce and security, we’ve often been at a loss for a way to deal with a wide range of research documents, from white papers, case studies and analyst reports to detailed slide presentations on new technologies to transcripts of panel discussions.

Sure, we can do news stories and columns on these documents but we thought some some readers might want a database of all of these documents as they evaluate new issues. We’re not sure if we have the right answer, but today we’re launching our best shot: StorefrontBackground.

StorefrontBacktalk and StorefrontBackground are linked and share many of the same resources (such as our image library, some of the editors, shared servers, etc.) but they are, editorially, polar opposites. (Cue theme song from The Patty Duke Show. On second thought, perhaps it’s best that we don’t.)

How are the sites opposite? StorefrontBacktalk is a journalist news site, delivering independent analysis, stories and columns, along with GuestView columns that are strictly edited to be journalistically valid. StorefrontBackground, on the other hand, features verbatim documents generated by the companies making and pushing the technology. In its day, the best place for a detailed technical look at Java was Sun, but they were never considered balanced and editorially-neutral, nor was it supposed to be.

StorefrontBackground is designed to be a place to get the unfiltered technical and marketing thoughts of the top vendors in retail. And, yes, some hyperbole and exaggeration (plus a lot of good old-fashioned lies) goes along with that territory.

For years, our editorial perspective kept us from seeing the value of these documents for so many of our readers. For that, we apologize.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, how are the sites the same? Beyond some cosmetic design elements (and a blatant ripoff of three-quarters of StorefrontBacktalk’s name), there will be a lot of content exchange. If you’re visiting StorefrontBacktalk and you go into any of our categories, such as Security or E-Commerce (if you go to the upper-right-hand corner of the page, you should see a green pulldown menu that says “Click Here To View All Categories”), you’ll now see a list of research documents that will appear in that category’s counterpart at StorefrontBackground. In other words, if you’re reading about Security in our news section, you’ll see the most five research documents dealing with security on the right-hand column.

And if you’re visiting one of our categories in StorefrontBackground, you’ll have the opposite experience, being able to see the five most recent Security news stories from StorefrontBacktalk when you’re in the security category of StorefrontBackground.

If you have any documents that you’d like to submit for posting (all submissions have to meet editorial standards) on StorefrontBackground, we encourage you to submit as many as you’d like. It’s all free, of course.

Speaking of free, the site is also free for anyone to visit and to download as many documents as you’d like. We are asking if people would be willing to register for the site. For those who don’t register, they can see the tops of all documents. The free registration is required to have unlimited download access for all files.

Please visit and drop me a line at Our goal is to make this as valuable for our readers as possible so we need to hear if we came up short.


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Most Recent Comments

Why Did Gonzales Hackers Like European Cards So Much Better?

I am still unclear about the core point here-- why higher value of European cards. Supply and demand, yes, makes sense. But the fact that the cards were chip and pin (EMV) should make them less valuable because that demonstrably reduces the ability to use them fraudulently. Did the author mean that the chip and pin cards could be used in a country where EMV is not implemented--the US--and this mis-match make it easier to us them since the issuing banks may not have as robust anti-fraud controls as non-EMV banks because they assumed EMV would do the fraud prevention for them Read more...
Two possible reasons that I can think of and have seen in the past - 1) Cards issued by European banks when used online cross border don't usually support AVS checks. So, when a European card is used with a billing address that's in the US, an ecom merchant wouldn't necessarily know that the shipping zip code doesn't match the billing code. 2) Also, in offline chip countries the card determines whether or not a transaction is approved, not the issuer. In my experience, European issuers haven't developed the same checks on authorization requests as US issuers. So, these cards might be more valuable because they are more likely to get approved. Read more...
A smart card slot in terminals doesn't mean there is a reader or that the reader is activated. Then, activated reader or not, the U.S. processors don't have apps certified or ready to load into those terminals to accept and process smart card transactions just yet. Don't get your card(t) before the terminal (horse). Read more...
The marketplace does speak. More fraud capacity translates to higher value for the stolen data. Because nearly 100% of all US transactions are authorized online in real time, we have less fraud regardless of whether the card is Magstripe only or chip and PIn. Hence, $10 prices for US cards vs $25 for the European counterparts. Read more...
@David True. The European cards have both an EMV chip AND a mag stripe. Europeans may generally use the chip for their transactions, but the insecure stripe remains vulnerable to skimming, whether it be from a false front on an ATM or a dishonest waiter with a handheld skimmer. If their stripe is skimmed, the track data can still be cloned and used fraudulently in the United States. If European banks only detect fraud from 9-5 GMT, that might explain why American criminals prefer them over American bank issued cards, who have fraud detection in place 24x7. Read more...

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