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Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad POS? Apparently, You Are

March 23rd, 2011

But there’s also the very real hesitation for an early-stage technology to touch POS. They’ll have to connect eventually, but a third-party that enables such mobile experimentation without touching the crown jewels is compelling. Senior management who would easily approve such projects will take much longer with potential POS impact.

One way to deal with mobile POS payments is to not deal with it. In other words, sidestep the issue. Starbucks, for example, did a wonderful job with this approach. Months after distributing its mobile application long before it could do anything useful (like obtain coffee), the chain unveiled its mobile payment process.

It’s actually quite clever in its simplicity. The hard part of the tender process is handled the old-fashioned way, either through a magstripe swipe in a store or through a standard secure payment form on its site.

Once that’s done, all the mobile app does is display the Starbucks Card’s barcode and it debits the card. In the same way that a Starbucks Card is nothing more than a way to hold the barcode, its app makes the phone just the same. So it feels like mobile payment, but it doesn’t get within light years of touching the sensitive POS system.

Carlos Cherubin, CIO of the 311-store DSW footwear chain, said the fear of the POSing issue is especially prominent with the many chains that are using older POS architectures, true legacy systems. “When you get into customizing those systems, that’s where you really add complexity,” he said.

“Especially in those shops that don’t have a lot of POS capabilities, they may be skittish about messing with their POS systems specifically because it is legacy, because it is so very touchy,” Cherubin said.

POS systems are in that small group of IT systems that are so mission-critical, they require extra special care. Few systems can cause so much damage so quickly as a POS outage, something that could temporarily make all sales difficult if not impossible.

Although not nearly as dangerous, Cherubin pointed to the one system that gets even more fear and top-level attention than POS: payroll.

Although a payroll problem doesn’t directly impact revenue (indeed, the vast majority of customers will likely never hear about even a relatively prolonged payroll problem), it will directly impact the wallets of a chain’s senior execs and every person they work with. Logic doesn’t win the day when the CEO’s salary doesn’t get deposited.


2 Comments | Read Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad POS? Apparently, You Are

  1. Samantha Noble Says:

    In regard to Legacy systems, what is the plan for most retailers with this equipment? As new mobile technology and couponing continues to increase in popularity are you going to purchase new equipment including tablets and smaller footprint hardware like kiosks, or are you going to continue to be budget-saavy and stick with older systems as long as possible?

  2. Thad Peterson Says:

    Concern about touching POS with mobile is legitimate for the obvious reason that messing with the revenue stream is a scary thing. Beyond that, while retailers may be able to figure out mobile connectivity on their own, I’m not sure that it’s a great idea EVEN IF the POS system
    is at risk. Here’s why;

    1) Mobile is no more a core competency of a retailer than building and maintaining a POS platform is.

    2) It’s a highly dynamic, very fluid environment that will evolve even more quickly than the web and it will be very difficult for a retailer to stay on top of it.

    3) Mobile is much more than payments. It would require resource to optimize the value of the mobile connection and the retailer may miss opportunities to leverage the platform that a third party provider might deliver.

    Connecting into the more current generations of IP driven POS systems is relatively straightforward and low risk, once the internal FUD factor you describe is overcome. A third party connection also lessens the pressure on the POS systems development queue which can
    accelerate the time it takes to get a mobile application up and running. The technology environment is moving to an app/API world and mobile might be the very best application of that approach that is out there.

    Mobile need not be a high risk, highly complicated, expensive play for a retailer, if they have the right partner.


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