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The Beatings Will Continue Until Service Improves

October 28th, 2009

This problem is exacerbated in franchise organizations because most retail franchisees do not have the patience to work with IT. It should just work, and when it doesn’t many franchisees get upset. This situation refers to the “I Don’t Get It Syndrome.” To people who have this attitude, an explanation is nothing more than an excuse. I can’t blame them. Part of the reason that I have more patience with IT issues is because I am familiar with them. I know how they work. That is not the case for many franchisees.

To look at the opposite side of the coin as an example, I am pretty sure that I would be extremely upset if I owned a restaurant and someone told me the compressors on the freezer had died and it would take 3 days to get new ones installed. Because I have no experience with freezers, 3 days seems like an insufferable amount of time. I am pretty sure that I would get upset with the person telling me 3 days was the best they could do, because I do not understand what could possibly take so long. This example is no different than trying to explain why a DSL router has been down for 3 days.

The other extremely important factor to consider is that the impact of such a problem is much greater on the franchisee than it is on an IT person. I hate seeing a franchisee not being able to process sales. But the reality is that having a DSL router fail impacts them much more than it does me, and I am always respectful of that. Such respect is a critical trait that you need your most important providers to adopt, or you need to move on to another provider.

Finally, there is the “Everything Costs $1 Syndrome.” When asked how much they are paying for IT, most franchisees will respond with “Too much.” When things are running smoothly, franchisees believe they are overpaying for services. In my experience, this opinion is driven by a lack of experience with IT. If someone believes they are already overpaying for a service, they tend to be very upset when that service has an issue. “I paid you idiots $25,000 and you can’t even keep the damn thing running!” In such cases, any issue will be a big issue. As time goes on and IT becomes more integrated into franchise operations, my hope is that franchisees’ expectations about IT services (cost, reliability, etc.) will improve.

When you are an IT leader in a franchise organization, you have to be aware of the fact that your service providers are working with a group of people who may have one or more of these points of view. If something goes wrong, they are “getting it” from hundreds or even thousands of people. As an IT leader, it is important to express your frustration when issues occur. But it is also important to strike a balance so that your relationship with the vendor does not turn completely combative. When a relationship with a service provider becomes combative, it is time to either completely restructure the relationship (including the key people involved) or move on. The worst outcome is that you end up working with a vendor that doesn’t want the business but is contractually obligated to provide it.

It is a tough line to walk. You need to make sure that you fight for the company and its franchisees’ rights, but you have to make sure the relationship doesn’t devolve into something that doesn’t benefit anyone. You also cannot be a pushover and let the vendor’s performance continue to lag against expectations or, in some cases, contracts.

My suggestion is that if you tend to get fired up when dealing with your service provider, stop and think before you yell the next time something happens. Ask yourself: “Will this really help the situation or the overall relationship?” Make sure that when you do get upset with a provider, it is for a good reason. And when something does happen, make sure that the provider takes your problem seriously (because they know you will only get upset when it is an important issue). Take the time to work with the provider and make sure that you have purchased the services that meet your expectations (did your price needs drive the service below your expectations?). Schedule formal review sessions with the service provider, at least quarterly, to review their performance and discuss ways to improve service (outside the heat of an issue). Most importantly, treat the service provider with respect and dignity.

What do you think? Love it or hate it, I’d love to gain some additional perspectives. Leave a comment, or E-mail me at


4 Comments | Read The Beatings Will Continue Until Service Improves

  1. Don Stitt Says:

    Hello Todd,

    Well said, and I understand the point.
    I believe Elvis said it best,” I need you, I want you , I love you”!
    We need to do all that we can to make our IT service sucessful. Those that do not perform can be addressed in the proper venues.
    Lead on!

    Many thanks,
    Don Stitt
    Schlotzsky’s / Cinnabon
    SFAC President
    Amarillo, TX

  2. PoS Manager Says:

    Set aggressive, but realistic goals and expectations from the start. If they are not met, deal with it constructively, yet firmly and next time (if there is a next time) make sure the same situation does not happen again by doing things differently.

  3. Pete Reilly Says:


    I’ve spent time on both the vendor and customer side as well. I can tell you that having been on the vendor side, getting aggressive (as opposed to being assertive) will work against the customer over time.

    As you state, no one wants to talk to the person that is angry and unreasonable all the time. Ultimately, you will have the worst vendor employees on your account(why would I put my best people on it, you will just make them want to quit), and when the time comes for a major upgrade or service you are not going to get the best price because I know I need to build in padding to deal will all the hassle later.

    In my experience the customers that got the best treatment were those that were assertive, but fair and respectful – imagine that!

  4. Todd Michaud Says:

    Great feedback.

    Pete, I hadn’t really thought about the cost of upgrades, but you’re right. I think that most IT leaders think, “I didn’t get as good of a deal as I should have on this round, so I’ll make it up when we do more work with them.” What if the vendors are thinking the same (but opposite)?

    PoS, the key to your comment is about setting expectations clearly. You need to drill it in right away to make sure it sticks.

    Don, Thanks so much for your support.


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