Defining E-Commerce Is A Thorny Issue
August 10th, 2011Consider the latest E-Commerce stats released Monday (Aug. 8) by E-Commerce tracking firm ComScore. It reported some $37.5 billion worth of E-Commerce spending in Q2 2011, a 14 percent increase from a year ago. Even setting aside for the moment what the best definition for E-Commerce should be today, does merely thinking of rigid E-Commerce figures separately from in-store, isolated from mobile and apart from call center undermine retail merged-channel thinking? Anything purchased on Wal-Mart's mobile site is certainly M-Commerce, but what if a customer is accessing Wal-Mart's full Web site through a BlackBerry, iPhone or Android? And what if it's happening in-store and the search in question was activated by a barcode scan? The bard himself could barely have written the bonus plan that adequately covers that situation.Read more...