Given how much we here at StorefrontBacktalk write about what works—and especially what does not work—in retail Mobile Commerce today, it has always been rather embarrassing that our rants about mobile were invariably darn near impossible to read on mobile devices. In theory, that problem is no more.
We have now launched native mobile versions of our site and newsletter for seven of the most significant global mobile platforms, platforms chosen to accommodate almost all of our current subscribers. (We have had mobile versions for a couple of years, but they weren’t written for each platform. Now they are.) The new mobile versions are for iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Palm, Windows Mobile and Symbian. Like most mobile rollouts, the content looks decidedly better on more recent versions of these platforms. We’ve also endured our share of mobile rollout frustrations, such as having two phones with apparently identical hardware, software, carrier and location show different versions of the site. If you spot any errors or problems with our new mobile versions, please shout, in an E-mail-like fashion.…